Headington Hounds (& Tinies) is an ethical and compassionate, boutique grooming studio based in Headington Quarry, Oxford. It is run by a mother and daughter - Fiona and Charlotte - and is situated in the private garden of our home which we share with our family (of dogs!). Tinies was started over 10 years ago to provide a dedicated grooming service for the smaller dog and is now incorporated into Headington Hounds which can cater for dogs of all shapes and sizes. 
We are passionate about dogs in general and grooming them to make them "look good and feel great" in particular. We take our role as professional groomers very seriously and strive to continually bring you and your dog the best the industry has to offer.  
We are proud to offer you and your canine companion the following, highest quality, "head to toe" grooming services
Individual service - your pet will be groomed "straight through" by the same groomer.

Ethical and compassionate handling for your pet's comfort and safety.

FREE CONSULTATION before your first appointment to fully assess your pet's grooming needs.

5* GROOMER'S HEALTH CHECK for all customers.

Gentle, hydro massaging shower system to deeply cleanse and exfoliate skin.

High quality, natural canine shampoo and products, many of which are vegan.

"Emmi-pet" ultrasonic cleaning and oral hygiene programmes and skin care

"Microbubble" skin therapy

Consent-based grooming

At Headington Hounds we take a co-operative approach to grooming, viewing the dog as an active partner in the grooming process with their own thoughts and feelings which we will acknowledge and work with. This means that we will always groom to a dog to its tolerance and comfort rather than the guardian’s expectations.

Consent based (or co-operative) grooming is a bit like a dentist telling you that you can raise your hand to indicate you would like them to stop a procedure, if you are uncomfortable  For more on this please take a look at our rehabilitation grooming services.

For more information please have a look at Dog Grooming Services page.

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