All payment is due in full on collection of your dog. We accept cash and card payments. We are not able to process cheques.
For all courses, eg. puppy programme, rehab, oral hygiene etc. payment is required in full, prior to the first session.
Your appointment
Please be on time both for your appointment and for collecting your dog. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment you may need to re-book (with the loss of your deposit). Likewise, we reserve the right to add a ”sitting fee” for any uncollected dogs. (Currently £5 per 15 minutes).
Appointments are booked solely at the request of the customer.A £25 non refundable deposit(to be deducted from the price of your groom) is required before any appointment can be confirmed. We accept cash and card payments.
Cancellation policy
If you cannot keep your appointment, please giveAT LEAST 72 HOURS noticeto allow the appointment to be filled by someone else. Failure to do this will result in the loss of your deposit and may mean pre-payment of the total groom price is required before another appointment can be made.
All cancellations and changes to appointmentsMUSTbe made by phone.
RCVS advice
Current advice from the RCVS prevents us from offering anal gland treatment. We will check and advise if any action is necessary.
Any additional treatments such as ultrasonic oral hygiene and microbubble therapy are not to be seen as an alternative to veterinary examination and advice.
Grooming policy
All dogs are accepted for grooming on the understanding that they are in good general health and fit for grooming. Please inform us (on the separate booking form) of any and all health issues your dog may suffer from.
Dogs will only ever be groomed to their tolerance of the process. Should we need to terminate a groom, for whatever reason, the full groom price will be due. We reserve the rightNOT TO GROOMany dog that presents …
A risk of injury to itself and/or to staff of Headington Hounds and/or our customers (please note you have a legal responsibility to disclose if your dog has ever bittenWHATEVER THE CIRCUMSTANCES). Is so infirm due toAGE or ILL HEALTHthat grooming could be harmful to it’s welfare.
Grooming, (especiallyMATT RELEASEprocedures) can expose underlying skin and/or health issues for which Headington Hounds, its staff and employees cannot be held responsible. Additionally, the process of matt release itself presents an increased risk of unavoidable injury which, for which Headington Hounds, its staff and employees cannot be held responsible.
Should we findparasitesduring a groom, we will treat for them but there will be anADDITIONALcharge to cover the extra time, labour and products required to complete the groom (this is currently £10).
Starting pricesare for dogs who are used to being professionally groomed on a regular schedule and whose coats are well maintained between professional grooming appointments (kept tangle, knot and matt free) by regular brushing and combing.
Extra chargesare applied for dogs which have matted, poorly maintained and/or overgrown coats, who are unused to the grooming process or take longer than 15 minutes to "prep" as part of a groom.
All staff at Headington Hounds hold current First Aid certificates. In the event of an emergency we will administer first aid and seek professional veterinary attention (at your expense). In such a situation we will make all attempts to contact you prior to this but the welfare of your dog will be our first consideration.
Dogs with DIABETES and/or EPILSEPSY (or fitting without a diagnosis).
If your dog has been diagnosed with either of the above conditions, we will still be able to groom your dog. However, you will need to inform us prior to an appointment being confirmed AND provide us with any and all medication prescribed by your vet to reverse emergency situations.
Please be assured that we are trained to deal with such situations as well as administer vet prescribed medication as provided by you.Failure to disclose will negate any insurance cover.
For more information please contact us directly at Headington Hounds in Oxford.